The Magic Chair  Graphic
The Magic Chair

is a storytelling project aimed at shifting the conversation about disability from acceptance to inclusion. This site is a place for all our stories to be told, shared, and valued.

November 10, 2017
Anuj Pandey Sourav Yadav
A boy with a learning disability finds his place in the theater program.… Read More More
April 30, 2018
Liz Neporent, ABC News - New York, USA
Robin Williams' apparent suicide has put a spotlight on the dark side of comedy. Williams, like many comedians, lived with long-term depression and addiction.… Read More More
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July 21, 2018
Alyssa Ruzzin - Chicago, USA
As I said in my last blog post: isolation is the hardest everyday experience. The question is not, "Why does isolation always get in our way?" The question is, "How do we control isolation?" Isolation is always going to be in our life. Did you hear of the expression, "We take risks as we Change."? … Read More Visit
Get Involved

This is your chance to be heard. Here, individuals with disabilities from around the world have a platform to tell their own stories. Inspire others - and be inspired yourself - by contributing your voice to this important dialogue. We aim to tell the deep and complex story of disability, in as many ways as possible, to as many people as possible. And that starts with you. We welcome a variety of submissions to best reflect this emotional and thoughtful community, its families and its friends.

Community Videos
The Magic Chair Documentary - Coming in 2021! Stay tuned for information.

Imagine being told that because of your “special need” you will not amount to anything in life; that your unique human gifts are not valued, and that the greater society will do little or nothing to help you. Imagine being told that were you a daffodil, you would never bloom... More

Help the Project

Our wide scope and outreach is thanks to the generosity of donors and partners. Particularly during our rollout period, we rely on donations to fund the majority of our expenses. If the project and its mission speak to you, please consider making a donation to THE MAGIC CHAIR through link below. Please be sure to specify “THE MAGIC CHAIR Project – School of Film and Television” in the “Additional Gift Instructions” box. THE MAGIC CHAIR Project is sponsored by Loyola Marymount University, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Therefore, your contributions are tax deductible.